The Korvenn Super Lift 920 foil is ideal for wingfoiling in light and medium wind and for surfing small to medium waves. With its front wing of 1800cm² It offers great versatility in wing as in surf and sup foil, but also for pumping. Today available with a 65cm or 75cm mast, it is perfect to start wing, sup and surf foiling and it remains very progressive since it is also aimed at good level riders. One of its advantage is its robustness, with efficient and solid interlocking systems.
The limit of this foil with its front wing of 1800cm² is reached when the wind is very strong, or to surf big and hollow waves. To jump with a wing, such a surface is also a bit bulky. With the level which progresses quickly, many riders are moving towards foils with smaller surfaces, this is why new wings compatible with this foil will be available soon.
Initially a 1200cm² wing will support the Super Lift 920 foil, and a new smaller stabilizer will complete this combo. With a refined profile, this 1200cm² version will be aimed at practitioners of good level, and will allow a committed practice of wing and surf foil. This new assembly will allow a gain in speed, excellent maneuverability in surfing, and a better ability to jump!